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Do I have to pay for my profile on TFOD?

No. As a Design Professional, Artist, Student, Enthusiasts, Manufacturer, Trader or General Public, you can create your profile and upload photos / images FREE OF COST. TFOD use is FREE, Always.

What is the best Computer Configuration for TFOD?

TFOD will run on any system (Desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Smartphone) having internet connection We recommend latest browser versions of Google Chrome and Firefox are best suited for browsing TFOD.
However following browser versions are minimally required to view TFOD.
Firefox 27 and above
Chrome 33 and above
Internet Explorer 9 and above
Safari 5.1.0 and above
Opera 21.0 and above

What about Apple iPhone and iPad?

Generally all functions of TFOD are supported on Apple Products. In case of any issues please send Request on support@tfod.in

Is TFOD available on smartphones?

TFOD is available on any smartphone through internet browsers. TFOD is designing a specialised App for all smartphones including Android, Windows and iOS, which will soon be available on the website for download.

Can I use my TFOD profile Url for promoting my work?

Yes. In fact your own link can be copied and sent to anybody and clicking the same will directly open your profile on TFOD. TFOD Url is generated in a way that even Google search will show your TFOD profile. Your TFOD Profile / Project / Photo link can be shared easily on all Social Media including Whatsapp. Every time you share your link, your entire profile with all uploaded photos is shared.

Are products listing FREE on TFOD?

Yes. Products listing on Product Catalog is FREE on TFOD. Manufacturers and Traders can post all their Products and provide all details in the provided form. Team TFOD will however moderate your posted images for minimum required standards of photos and content. Kindly ensure Photo resolutions as specified for maximum results.

Can I share photos from TFOD?

Yes. TFOD allows you like any image in Photo gallery. Along with TFOD like, Facebook likes too are provided. Comments can also be shared on your own Facebook timeline if you are signed into your Facebook account. Photo detail pages can be shared with any of your Facebook, Google+ and Twitter contacts directly from TFOD.


You can Bookmark Photo Details Page, Articles, Discussions and view the same anytime.

Signup / Login

How do I register myself on TFOD?

You can click signup on www.tfod.in, fill the form and submit the same. TFOD will send an activation link to your registered email.id. Click on the activation link to join TFOD.
This process is incorporated so that only genuine Art, Architecture and Design Professionals and Enthusiasts are listed.
Note that TFOD doesn’t host dummy data on website and all posts are genuine from respective professional.

Are there any charges for Signup?

No. TFOD registration is FREE. So is TFOD use in all its sections including Design, Art and Products.

What is the Difference between a Design Professional and Allied Professional?

Design professionals are primarily the professionals who take primary decisions about design aspects. Allied professionals are those whose activities start before or after design professionals have taken design decisions.
You can find the list of Design Consultants and Allied Consultants to enable you to decide which category you should list yourself.

Can I change my username?

No. Presently this functionality is not provided to you.

How do I create a new Profile?

After signup and activation of link sent to your email id you can login TFOD using your user Id and password. Then on home page click on the top right human figure to get your Edit Profile link. Clicking this link opens your Edit Profile Page.

What if I don’t get an activation Link?

Activation link is sent to the Registered email Id. This mail will usually reach the Inbox. However sometimes this link may land in the spam messages. Kindly check your spam box. If you still don’t find the link kindly send a message to support@tfod.in

Can I Create different accounts in different categories?

Yes. You can create user accounts in different categories however you’ll be required to provide different email Id every time.

Sharing On Social Media

Can I share my Profile / Projects / Photos / products directly on Social media ?

Yes. All TFOD pages are easily shared on all Social Media. TFOD pages can be shared directly on Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter with the help of respective icon provided on each page. Pages where a Social Media Sharer is provided can be shared to more websites.
Alternatively any link on TFOD can be copied and shared on any Social media Website. Most websites including Whatsapp will automatically pick a relevant image to be forwarded.

Projects / Photos / Uploads

How can I Create Project and Upload Images?

After signup and activation of link sent to your email id you can login TFOD using your user Id and password. Then on home page click on the top right human figure to get your Edit Projects link. Clicking on it will get you a list of your created Projects. A click on edit icon on the Project image allows you to edit Project details and upload new images.
In Your Edit Profile Pages, Create Project button allows you to create and save new project. After you have created and saved a Project, you can save images to the created Project.

What is the best Image upload practice?

TFOD accepts photos upto 2Mb for upload. These images are then properly down sized to be uploaded on website.
For all Design and Art Photo uploads except Products, following size is preferred, Height and/or width of 1600 gives best results. However height / width of about 1000 pixels while uploading will give good results.
For Product photo uploads, Height and width of 1000 / 1200 pixels gives best results.
For Personal Profile Photo & Company Logo Photo should be more than 200 X 200 pixels give good results. Photos less than 200 x 200 pixels will be difficult to share on other media.

How do I fit large size digital image into less than 2 Mbs?

There are many ways you can do this. You can use any image editing software including Photoshop or IrfanView. Alternatively such software are available freely in the market.

Which images are allowed to be in the Gallery for public view?

All images uploaded by users are moderated. It may take upto 48 hrs to show your images in Gallery for public search. Till that time these images are shown in your personal profile only. TFOD displays only good quality completed work images in the Photo gallery. WIP (work in process) Images will not be part of the Photo Gallery.
Only best images preferably depicting neat and clean actual habitable scene without any human figures will be accepted for Photo Gallery on TFOD.
In order to maintain sanctity of the portal any image thought improper / irrelevant or not fitting TFOD standards will not be shown in Photo Gallery. Such images may be allowed to appear in your personal profile.
Product photos will be moderated for quality. If your product image is not seen in the Product gallery, probably you will have to change the photo.

Images not getting uploaded or slow in uploads?

Image upload strictly depends on your internet connection and ISP- Internet Service Provider. A better and faster connection helps upload much faster.

How do I delete Images from Projects?

After Login, click on my Projects. Click on the project you want to edit. From the list of images within the project select the image you want to remove. After selecting you can click remove image button provided on the photo itself to delete image.

How can I organize photos within a project?

Images are displayed in Public Profile with logic, ‘Last uploaded displayed first’. In any Project you can upload your latest images last, so that the relatively new images are displayed first.Also note that while sharing a Project, photo appearing first on the page will be picked up by Social media websites for sharing.

How are images displayed in my Public Profile Dashboard / Projects?

In your Public Profile Dashboard / Projects, images are displayed with Logic, ‘Last uploaded displayed First.’ Images are displayed in the sequence of your uploads while images uploaded first are shown last.

As a professional, I am concerned about the security of my images on TFOD.in. How do you protect my photos?

Under our Terms of Use, you retain ownership of the copyright in your photographs that you submit to TFOD. Additionally, our Terms of Use provide that site users may use our site solely for personal, non-commercial purposes and that, while users are permitted to print a reasonable number of copies of web pages (which would include submitted photographs) for personal, non-commercial use, they must retain all copyright notices, and are required to reproduce the web pages in their entirety without modification.
We use technical means to restrict unauthorized copying. However, as is the case with any website, knowledgeable users can circumvent such restrictions through screen capture utilities and other means. Moreover TFOD allows Registered Users / Members to save your posted images in StyleFiles and Product StyleFiles as specified in the Terms and Conditions.


What is the moderation procedure?

Every image uploaded by every user will be scrutinized by TFOD experts. Inappropriate, explicit and unrelated images will be discarded without giving any reason or notice. Bad images which do not conform to the TFOD criteria in terms of resolution, content and completed work images will not be shown in the Photo Gallery. These images may or may not remain part of user’s public profile.

What is the moderation procedure?

Unlike other social media portals TFOD is dedicated to foster Art, Architecture and Design. TFOD wants the portal to be a gateway for interaction between Professionals, Manufacturers and End users. By maintaining a minimum level of image quality TFOD wants to upgrade the general perception of lifestyle in India. Moderation is introduced to eliminate explicit and other unrelated images in order to maintain sanctity of portal.

Which users are Black listed?

Any user who after signup acts in a manner which does not fall under the TFOD guidelines e.g. those users who upload porn content or any content / comment that violates copyright of others will be black listed. Such users and their email ids will be prohibited from any further signup.

Are black listed emails allowed to register again?

No. Black listed emails will not be allowed to be used for Signup again.


Can I write Articles for TFOD ?

In case you have anything to enrich the Art, Architecture or Design fraternity you can send your article to content@tfod.in / content@adideas.net. Add Ideas are the solely authorised Agency to generate content for TFOD. You need to have all required approvals from professionals, owner etc. before submitting the articles.


Art Effect section contains Articles dedicated to all aspects of ART.


How do I start a new Discussion?

After login you can click on the discussions button to initiate a new discussion topic. You can also browse the existing topics of discussion started by others and comment on the same.

How do I participate in ongoing Discussions?

After login you can participate in any ongoing discussion in Discussions section.


Art Talk section contains Discussions on all Aspects of ART. As User you can create any new Discussion and/or participate in any ongoing discussion.


What are StyleFiles?

Registered Users are allowed to save any image they like in his personal StyleFile section. The photo is saved within the website along with complete details posted by the Member.User can save TFOD photos directly in his StyleFile section. Photos from other websites too can be saved in your TFOD StyleFile section using TFOD ADDON ‘Idea-Saver on TFOD’. It’s available on page https://www.tfod.in/addons

How do I save photos to My StyleFiles?

After login, you can save any image you like on TFOD by clicking on the sign at the bottom of the image. This image will be saved to your ‘StyleFiles’. You can write a note for your own reference while saving the image. You can save multiple images on your StyleFiles to compare them in slideshow.
Photos from other websites too can be saved in your TFOD StyleFile section using TFOD ADDON ‘Idea-Saver on TFOD’. It’s available on page https://www.tfod.in/addons

How Many photos can I save on My StyleFiles?

TFOD allows you to save unlimited images on your My StyleFiles.

What is the best use of My StyleFiles?

My StyleFiles are best used to save the ideas of your choice for your reference so that you need not search the same on the website. You can also compare different products in slideshow by saving them same on My StyleFiles.

How can I compare multiple products / images ?

You can compare multiple products by saving the same on My StyleFiles and then comparing the same side by side in slideshow.


How do I report abuse / violation of Copyright?

You can report abuse by sending your grievance on reportabuse@tfod.in or support@tfod.in . Try to be as specific as possible in your communication to allow faster decisions. You can copy and paste the page url in your complaint to specify the page involved.

Someone has uploaded image of my work. What are my options?

In case someone uploads your copyrighted image then in that case you can immediately report the same to TFOD by sending your grievance on reportabuse@tfod.in or support@tfod.in . In the email you are required to specify the image, user who has uploaded the image and provide documents to establish your copyright / ownership about the same.

I find some information on the portal to be incorrect/abusive and incoherent. What should I do?

TFOD tries to maintain highest quality of standards for content. Every photo posted in the Gallery section is moderated by our experts. However still some photos or content may not confirm to TFOD standards. In case you come across such content you may bring it to our notice by sending your grievance on reportabuse@tfod.in or support@tfod.in. While reporting abuse the page Url may be provided to avoid ambiguity, along with the wrongful content.

Products (Upload)

As a Manufacturer do I have to pay for my profile on TFOD?

You can create profile and upload product images FREE of COST.

As a Manufacturer how do I post my Profile and list Products?

You need to Signup as a representative of the Company. After submitting the signup form an activation link is sent to your registered email Id. Clicking on it will activate your account. You may need to provide one more email id belonging to another responsible person of the company as alternate email to avoid hassles of accessing your TFOD account. After activation, you can fill your Company Profile details save them and proceed to list Products. As a Manufacturer/ Trader you can select relevant Product segment in your profile. You can list products in the selected Product Categories only.

Are there any charges for uploading my Company Profile & Products?

No. Your Company Profile upload is free forever.

How can I add Product/s

After Login as Manufacturer/ Trader you can proceed to All Products or Manage Products Page where you get the link Add Products. Clicking this link provides you with a form wherein you can fill all your product details. Product details are divided into Basic Information, Product Details and Product Specifications. After filling all above details and adding product photo click Save Button to post your product. Note that listing more information helps Google search your Product better

How can I add More Products with same Specifications?

TFOD provides you an option while saving a product which allows you to copy all previous details in the next Product posting. You need to upload the Photo and change the Product Name and Product Code before saving the Product. Alternatively you can Copy any product details you have posted by clicking on the Brown colour icon on upper right side. These details may then be changed for Product Name and Product Code, upload photo and save product.

Which Types of Product Photos are preferred?

Photo Formats of types Jpeg, Jpg, Gif & Png are accepted on TFOD. Photos should be purely of the Product without any background. You may need to get the background removed from the photograph for best display. TFOD suggests you to upload photos less than 2 Mb in Size. Heavier images may be converted to low resolution images by using freely available photo management software. TFOD recommends image size of 1200 X 1200 Pixels.
Note that Photos having watermarks will not be part of Photo Gallery. These Photos may be allowed to be part of Company Profile.

How can I list different attributes of Product?

In the Product Details Section form, you can add any attribute / specification of your choice in the section ‘Add Attributes’. Here you can add Attribute Name and Attribute Value. i.e. Attribute-Price, Value-1200 Rs. You can add up to 10 ten different Attributes.

Can I list Product Price and Discounts etc.

Yes. You can list any and every information you want in the Attributes field in Product Details. TFOD allows you to add up to 10 Attributes for a product in addition to other fields.

Can I add more Product Segments to list products?

Yes. You can add more Product Segments in your Company Profile anytime.

How many products can I upload in Product Gallery?

TFOD allows you to upload unlimited number of Products in 24 x 7 Product Gallery. All Products upload are Free of Cost. TFOD encourages Traders to use TFOD Product Links instead of paper brochure.

Can TFOD assist in uploading products in Product Gallery?

Yes. TFOD can push your entire product data in Product Gallery. The data is required to be provided in specified format which will be pushed in Product Gallery without moderation.To avail Assistance on Bulk Posting contact support@tfod.in

How can I identify Product Segment for my Product Type?

On the upload Product page upper right side a ‘Red icon’ is provided with scroll over text ‘Click to Check Product Category’. Clicking this button provides you a search option which provides you exact Product Segment for your Product Type. Eg. Cooking Systems will be in Appliances Segment.

Can I Upload Company Catalogue in my Company Profile?

TFOD allows you to upload all your products in the most interactive way, so much so that we expect that the Company will cut down on printed catalogues by as much as 90 %.TFOD doesn’t allow upload of pdf brochures or product image with multiple products.

Can I use & share the Company Profile Url?

TFOD allows you to share your Company Profile Url as well as each and every product Url by Email and on Social Media Networks. Your Company Profile Url works as your website, and is independently searched by Google and other search engines.

Can Users add / save my products?

TFOD allows users to add / save your product details in his Product StyleFile.

Product's Search

How can I search Products?

1 You Can Search Required Product Type in the Search provided on the upper right side.
2 You can also select concerned Product Segment, then Product Group and finally Product Type in which you can view all products listed by all Manufacturers.

Can I view all Product Details without login

Yes. You can view all Product Details without login.

Can I contact ask for quote from manufacturer without login?

No. You can not send messages / ask for quote directly through TFOD without login. Login allows you to send Emails directly by clicking on the respective Email.

Can I save product photos I like to my Product StyleFiles?

Yes. You can save Product photos to your Product StyleFiles.

How can I compare Products?

You can compare products by selecting those products in your Product StyleFiles. Then clicking on the photo in your Product StyleFiles will start a slideshow where you can compare products of your choice one after the other.

From the Product Gallery How can I view all products of the company?

You can click on the text below any Product photo to open the Company’s Details Page. On this page you will get all products listed in all Product Segments.

Can I share the Product Photo with my friends?

Yes. You can share the Product Photo with your friends in following manner.
1 Sending the Product Url to friends / clients by Email.
2 Sharing the Url on Facebook or other Social Media including Whatsapp.
3 Inviting your friends or clients to view the page by sending invite from top left side of the page.

Can I get more information from the Company about any Product?

Yes. You are free to contact the Company on the Business email provided in the Company Profile or you can get more info by sending email on the sales enquiry email. You can even call the Company on the number provided in the Company Profile.

Can I buy Products directly on the TFOD?

No. TFOD at present doesn’t allow direct purchase of products.
An online selling website is in the making and will be online soon.