As a Manufacturer do I have to pay for my profile on TFOD?
You can create profile and upload product images FREE of COST.
As a Manufacturer how do I post my Profile and list Products?
You need to Signup as a representative of the Company. After submitting the signup
form an activation link is sent to your registered email Id. Clicking on it will
activate your account. You may need to provide one more email id belonging to another
responsible person of the company as alternate email to avoid hassles of accessing
your TFOD account. After activation, you can fill your Company Profile details save
them and proceed to list Products. As a Manufacturer/ Trader you can select relevant Product
segment in your profile. You can list products in the selected Product Categories
Are there any charges for uploading my Company Profile & Products?
No. Your Company Profile upload is free forever.
How can I add Product/s
After Login as Manufacturer/ Trader you can proceed to All Products or Manage Products Page
where you get the link Add Products. Clicking this link provides you with a form
wherein you can fill all your product details. Product details are divided into
Basic Information, Product Details and Product Specifications. After filling all
above details and adding product photo click Save Button to post your product.
Note that listing more information helps Google search your Product better
How can I add More Products with same Specifications?
TFOD provides you an option while saving a product which allows you to copy all
previous details in the next Product posting. You need to upload the Photo and change
the Product Name and Product Code before saving the Product. Alternatively you can
Copy any product details you have posted by clicking on the Brown colour icon on
upper right side. These details may then be changed for Product Name and Product
Code, upload photo and save product.
Which Types of Product Photos are preferred?
Photo Formats of types Jpeg, Jpg, Gif & Png are accepted on TFOD. Photos should
be purely of the Product without any background. You may need to get the background
removed from the photograph for best display. TFOD suggests you to upload photos
less than 2 Mb in Size. Heavier images may be converted to low resolution images
by using freely available photo management software. TFOD recommends image size
of 1200 X 1200 Pixels.
Note that Photos having watermarks will not be part of Photo Gallery.
These Photos may be allowed to be part of Company Profile.
How can I list different attributes of Product?
In the Product Details Section form, you can add any attribute / specification of
your choice in the section ‘Add Attributes’. Here you can add Attribute Name and Attribute
Value. i.e. Attribute-Price, Value-1200 Rs. You can add up to 10 ten different Attributes.
Can I list Product Price and Discounts etc.
Yes. You can list any and every information you want in the Attributes field in
Product Details. TFOD allows you to add up to 10 Attributes for a product in addition
to other fields.
Can I add more Product Segments to list products?
Yes. You can add more Product Segments in your Company Profile anytime.
How many products can I upload in Product Gallery?
TFOD allows you to upload unlimited number of Products in 24 x 7 Product
Gallery. All Products upload are Free of Cost. TFOD encourages Traders to use
TFOD Product Links instead of paper brochure.
Can TFOD assist in uploading products in Product Gallery?
Yes. TFOD can push your entire product data in Product Gallery. The data is required
to be provided in specified format which will be pushed in Product Gallery without
moderation.To avail Assistance on Bulk Posting contact
How can I identify Product Segment for my Product Type?
On the upload Product page upper right side a ‘Red icon’ is provided with scroll over
text ‘Click to Check Product Category’. Clicking this button provides you a search
option which provides you exact Product Segment for your Product Type. Eg. Cooking
Systems will be in Appliances Segment.
Can I Upload Company Catalogue in my Company Profile?
TFOD allows you to upload all your products in the most interactive way, so much
so that we expect that the Company will cut down on printed catalogues by as much
as 90 %.TFOD doesn’t allow upload of pdf brochures or product
image with multiple products.
Can I use & share the Company Profile Url?
TFOD allows you to share your Company Profile Url as well as each and every product
Url by Email and on Social Media Networks. Your Company Profile Url works as your
website, and is independently searched by Google and other search engines.
Can Users add / save my products?
TFOD allows users to add / save your product details in his Product StyleFile.