Happy Republic Day

Studio An-V-Thot Architects Pvt. Ltd.

Owner at Studio AVT
Showing Images From Project: Borges Head Office, India

Borges India Private Limited is a supplier and trader of vegetable oil and sauces. Just the way Borges serve the best Mediterranean flavours on our tables, similarly, our design approach to the office renovation has been to serve the best office ambiance. The challenge was to address the irregular floor space and give a sense uniformity and order an office demands. This was addressed by incorporating the following changes: The choice of materials has been kept simple and elegant. The element of uniformity has been achieved by providing white beech laminates on workstations as well as on wall partitions. Pinch of hue has been incorporated by the use of nautical red laminates on workstations and green acrylic jalis on wall partitions. The kitchen area has a confluence of red lacquered glass and beige laminate. The combination of two soothing hues makes it a pleasant sight to adore and enjoy our meals. The furniture has been designed to complement spaces. The notice-worthy piece of furniture is the reception table and conference room table.The transition space or the passage beside conference rooms have the intervention of planters orderly placed on custom-designed storage. Incorporating green in designs is crucial as it is helpful in a working environment. Lighting plays a vital role in transforming the space and enhancing the interior. Also, the flooring in conference rooms and MD room has been kept different from the rest of the office

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      Workstation Close-up
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      Director's Cabin
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      Workstation Area
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      Workstation Area
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