Nature has not designed for humans to live 100 feet above the ground. As mammals, our senses and biological functions are deeply rooted to the ground. We need constant interaction with the five elements of nature and need to be in close contact with them at all times. Taking the same thought forward, Lumbini by Design Forum International seeks to create a sustainable living conditions in high-rise apartments that are responsive to our inherent needs.
As a result of the land crunch and rising land prices, the idea of homes with gardens is out of reach of the common man. Cities compel families to live in high-rise apartments, where life is a compromise. Although indoor quality can be regulated to a great extent with good material conditions and smart spatial layouts; yet the outdoor value in daily life remains negligible. When the architects implored further on the subject, they realized that balconies in modern housing systems were poorly designed. Balconies are important spatial conditions; A balcony invites forces of nature – sun, light, wind, rain, dust – to enter its territory and creates a space that is susceptible to changes. It demands maintenance, a ritualistic re-enactment of seasons, festivals and temporal activities on a daily basis. Balconies thus have to be spacious, well-connected to the indoors to optimize their use.
Modern balconies are considered vestigial spaces that act as narrow passages, or service areas.